I've been a full time blogger for four years now and have been consistently making over $2,000 a month within my business and it's taken me a long time to get here. But with what I know now, I can definitely show you the steps to monetizing your blog faster in 2025.
Before we start talking about money though, there is a lot that goes into setting up a blog that is actually going to make you money, and this is probably one of the most important steps in the process because if you don't have a good blog set up, you're going to really struggle to make money blogging anyway.
So all that work is going to be pretty useless. So all this stuff isn't going to be as exciting as learning how to make $2,000 a month. Stick with me here.
3 Proven Strategies to Monetize Your Blog
Choose a Profitable Niche
I want to start out with the basics and making sure that you are choosing a profitable Niche first. Pretty much any Niche can honestly be profitable online, but if you choose the wrong one for you specifically, then you're still going to struggle.
And what I mean by that is the topic that you choose needs to be one that you're ready to talk a lot about because you are going to be putting out a lot of content around this topic.
So if this is not something that you are head over heels in love with, then you're going to really struggle. If you just kind of like cooking but it's not something that really excites you, then that's probably not a topic you should start your blog about.
And now I'm a multi passionate person, so I am more in the boat of choosing something that has the ability to be expanded. And if you're looking like me, you want to write about more than one thing because the idea of putting yourself in a box inside of a niche sounds really, really boring.
Now I'm currently writing a lot about content creation because that is one of my passions, but I also have other topics I like to write about productivity, personal development, finance, there's a ton of different things on my Second Blog.
So if this sounds like you starting a multi passionate blog is totally possible, but it might take a little bit more work to make sure everything fits together cohesively so that it doesn't seem like you're writing about 10 random different topics and you don't really have a purpose.
So with this method instead of choosing a niche, you are going to be choosing a target audience, a target demographic, or a person that has similar interests to you.
So maybe you love talking about productivity, but you also love personal development and self care and other topics like that, you're going to be targeting a specific audience that likes those topics.
So for me, those are the topics I talk about. I target women in their twenties. This content that I post on my Second blog is generally not for men in their 40s, for example.
And if you do a multi passionate blog, or even if you just have a regular niche and only one topic that you're talking about, it's super important to know who exactly you're talking talking to, because that is going to encompass everything that you do, what topics you choose, how you speak to those people, what problems you're solving, and what products you plan to sell. So figure that out first.
Writing Blog Posts
The next piece of the puzzle to monetizing Your blog in 2025 is writing blog posts that actually hold attention.
If you're writing blog posts on topics that people aren't really interested in, or you're writing posts that people are clicking off of really quickly, then you're not going to hold attention long enough to even make sales. And if you need help writing good blog posts, I have a article that I will link here all about this topic.
There is a lot more that goes into blog post writing than you would think, so make sure you do a little bit of research. And then once you have all that figured out, we can actually start monetizing your blog.
Affiliate Marketing
And the first method that I want to talk about is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is typically the area that a lot of bloggers start in because it's relatively easy to get started, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is easy to make money in.
Now you probably have heard of affiliate marketing, but just in case you haven't, the most basic explanation that I can give you is you find a product that you would like to recommend and then you find the company that sells that product and you sign up for their affiliate program.
Or you're going to be signing up for an affiliate network. And one of the ones that I always recommend bloggers sign up for is ShareASale. And affiliate networks are really easy because you sign up for the network and then within that network you sign up for the affiliate companies that are there.
So all of your links are in one place, all of your income goes to one place. As opposed to signing up for six different ones, having six different places to get your links and all that different stuff, it can be a lot more confusing.
So when you're starting out, shareasale is a really good idea. Once you do get accepted into the programs, let's say for example, shareasale, and you get accepted into a company within shareasale, you will get a special link for that product called an affiliate link.
And when you recommend that product, you give that one out to your readers. This link will then track whoever clicks on it using cookies. And if someone buys that product, then you're going to get a portion of that sale.
And the good news is it doesn't cost the buyer any extra to go through your link. It comes out of the company profits. There are so many different factors that go into affiliate marketing though, and every single company is different.
Like let's say for example with Amazon, if you're part of the Amazon Associates program, you can't make commission off of friends and family, which I think is a little stupid, but you can't. And that person also needs to buy the product within 24 hours of them clicking on your link.
And that 24 hour time period for Amazon specifically is what we call a cookie length, like I said, going to be different for every program. Sometimes I've seen seven days, I've seen 30 days, I've seen even up to a year.
If someone clicks on your affiliate link and they buy something within that cookie link, then you are going to get credit for it. But just make sure when you are signing up for affiliate companies that you understand the rules, the commission where you can share links and everything else that goes with the program.
You want to be able to understand the rules so that you don't do something accidentally and get kicked out of the program. And once you apply to enough of these affiliate marketing companies because you're going to apply to a lot of them, it becomes a lot to keep track of.
So I ended up taking this 14 day affiliate search challenge from a blogger who is absolutely a master at affiliate marketing. And the challenge itself was worth the price that I paid because you really hold your hand through the whole process of affiliate marketing and looking at what is it that you're making now? What are the problems with what you're currently making? Like how could you improve the income from what you're currently making? And then how can you sign up for new programs, find new opportunities and then make more money in the future.
But one of my favorite parts of it is the affiliate tracker that comes with it. Because not only are you able to track your current affiliate programs, but There is also 900 different affiliate programs in there that you can apply to and she's got multiple different categories for them, blogging and business, finance, beauty, so many different ones that she just continually adds to.
So I ended up joining a few different affiliate companies that I hadn't had before because of this tracker and finding new affiliate opportunities, which is really, really nice.
Because my biggest problem when it comes to affiliate marketing is simply just finding out what products to even recommend and what affiliate companies to even join.
That sounds like something that you're interested in. I'll leave the link here. It's definitely helped me raise my affiliate income and it's helped me get way more organized with my affiliate programs as well.
Creating Products
While we're talking about different products though, let's talk about creating our own products. I've created quite a few products over the years and one of my best selling ones is so simple that it didn't even take me that long at all to make.
So I talk a lot about Pinterest on the my Second blog and one day decided to make up a bunch of interest templates and put them in a bundle sell. And over the years this has sold so well for me and it was super simple to make. It was something I was already doing anyway that I put out as a digital product one time. And it's been selling over and over and over again throughout the years.
And one of the good things about selling your own digital products is you have full control over them. You control the price, what is being sold and how long the product stays up.
Last year I actually had a few affiliate programs and affiliate products get taken down by the creators, which really hurt because they were my best selling products.
But since they weren't mine, there was nothing that I could do about that because the creator decided to take them down or the program shut down and and I lost my best revenue source from those products getting taken down.
So that doesn't happen when you have your own products, obviously you decide when they get taken down. Plus, having your own products is great because you get more of the sale.
If someone clicks on your Amazon link and doesn't buy within 24 hours, you don't get the sale. So even though you were the one that recommended it, Amazon gets all the money and you don't. Not to mention you simply just get more money from every single sale.
Many programs have a very, very low commission on them. But with your own products, you only have to worry about the processing fees of whatever you're using to collect the money.
So PayPal, Gumroad, Etsy, whatever you're using, all of those have fees when you make a sale, but a lot of them are a lot less than what it would have been if you made it only a 5% commission or something.
And it is a lot of work to create your own products. But if you do digital products like me, like I said, you can create the months and sell them on autopilot like mine have been doing over the years.
And the types of digital products you can create are endless. You can sell a course, you can do templates, you can do ebooks, workbooks, webinars, the ideas are really endless.
Client Work
And the last way I want to talk about making money is with client work. This is my biggest earner and it can be really difficult to get started in, but it is something that I have had a lot of success with.
The hard part about finding client work is finding the service that you can offer people and then getting them eyes onto your offer. Because you can come up with something that you think is a really good offer, but if it's something that people really aren't interested in, then you're going to have a hard time booking clients.
The client work that I currently do is Pinterest management and the way that I got started with that is I was creating just a ton of content around Pinterest. And I realized that so many people were asking me questions about how exactly to grow on Pinterest. I noticed that there was a gap in the market and I had the knowledge to fill it.
So if you're creating content around a certain topic and you find a lot of people are coming to you with questions, that may be a good area to consider freelancing in.
I started out small with my Pinterest freelancing business by just creating pins for people and then sending them off to them to pin. And I got great reviews from that.
And then from there I used the reviews from that to kickstart my Pinterest management services and use the trust that I had already built with my audience over here on my blog to start booking clients pretty much immediately.
And now I'm working with six to eight people roughly every single month. And just this week alone I got three different inquiries from potential clients. I have been so successful at this that I've had to put people on a wait list because my client slots are currently full.
But this raises the other problem with client work. If you do things on a reoccurring monthly basis like me, you only have so much time in your week or just time in your month in general, even if they're not reoccurring.
So once you run out of that time, you either have to turn clients down, put them on a wait list, or take on more than you can handle. And once you reach your peak, the only way that you can make more money is by raising your prices.
So that's why it's a good idea to diversify your income streams. Because once you hit a ceiling, you're eventually going to and that can only be topped by raising your prices or taking on more clients.
Now there are a ton of other ways that you can make money online on your blog, but these are currently the ways that I am making money.