How to make 10 sales a day on Etsy
Hi, guys. Welcome or welcome back to my Blog. My name is Ahmed. So today we're about to talk about what I would do if I wanted to achieve my first 10 sales a day on Etsy. So grab a pen, grab your notebook, and let's get right into it.
How do I get 10+ sales daily on an Etsy store?
I have two Etsy shops, if you guys didn't know, I don't think I've shared that before, but I have two Etsy shops. The first one, I share with you guys, and I haven't really been active on there, but that was the one that I started six months ago when I started this blog.
And I have another one that's Flourish. So you guys don't know about that one, but the first one, even the first one, I've gotten over 10 sales on it.
So the first Etsy store I had, if I am being honest, if I had to start all over again, I would do things completely different. And one of the things I would do is share my store on social media because, number one, social media is big. There's a whole lot of people in there. And you'll be surprised on how many people are actually looking for digital stuff.
So I would share my store either on Instagram or TikTok or whatever social media that you have. But honestly, and I know the reason why I didn't share anything is because of how long and how unprofessional Etsy's link looks like. If you copy and paste the link from Etsy and you put it on whatever else, you'll see how long and unprofessional it looks. And that's one of the main reasons why I didn't share it. I wish back then I knew about, like getting a branded link.
So one thing that I would do is get a branded link link and basically what that is, it just Shortens the URL and it makes it look way more professional and it just makes it look like it's your business, if that makes sense.
Like, you could put your name as the URL link and then you could insert it in your Instagram profile bio or Snapchat or TikTok, and it looks so much better.
Okay, so that's one thing that I would do. This brings us to today's sponsor, which is Link Store is able to help you secure a free, free branded link. And once you have that branded link, you're able to share your social media. And it will, it'll look more professional, more trustworthy, and, you know, it's just one click and somebody could get to your store.
Let's check out all these other Etsy sellers are already ahead of the curve. They're already using it, and let me show you some examples of what I'm talking about. For example is "thesmallbizhandbook". We're gonna go to see that and it just lends us right to Etsy. This is great link.
So that store "link store" is the only unique tool in the market that provides marketplace sellers with a free branded link. And guess what? It helps to improve Your clicks by 48%. So 48% people are more likely to click on your store once they see how short and professional it looks.
Signing up to Link Store is super, super easy and simple. Just visit then you add your brand name, whatever name that you choose, you choose your platform that you want to sell on, and that's it, you're done.
Link Store automatically sets up the forward and you have your branded link ready to use within minutes. So it is free for the first six months and no credit card is required. So visit and claim your free branded link today.
So like I said before, I have two stores. So let's just talk about the one that you guys know. So the first store that I have. I had it for over six months, and I sell digital products on there. And I don't know if you guys know, but for the new people here, I sell digital products, I sell coloring books on there. And I first started because I'm like, okay, like, I see that other people are buying other people's coloring books. Might as well start.
And number one thing that really stopped me from starting sooner is fear. I was scared. I'm like, okay, like, what if nobody buys my stuff? What if nobody's interested? All that stuff. You know how you start overthinking and then you stall on things that you want to do? Yeah, exactly. That was me.
And going back, it's like, first of all, why would I be scared? Because it's like so many people are already doing it. And the worst that could happen is somebody not buying my product. Anybody going to call me out, Anybody going to be like, oh, yeah, you're a loser. You're a Failure. You're not making any money. Like, nobody cares. Nobody knows who you are. And I'm pretty sure your store's name is something that you came up with. Nobody knows who you are so like, what would happen, if you don't make any sales? The worst thing that could happen is not making any sales.
So if you're experiencing fear as of this moment, look at me, listen to me. Nothing will happen. The thing is, nothing will happen if you don't do anything. I'm pretty sure you're in a crappy job, you don't like it, or you just, you want some extra money, whatever it is, not starting and being fearful is not going to help you make money.
I always have this thing in my mind. It's like I,m can either be scared or broke, or I could give it my all. Like, if you're scared, you're going to stay broke. And this is coming from someone who has a lot of insight. Like I overthink every single thing that you could think of. And I had to convince myself. It's like I either can come up with excuses, be scared and broke, or I could get to work.
So I got to work because I didn't want to be broke. I didn't want to not have any money, like, see all these people succeed on Etsy. And I wasn't, I wasn't the one. Like, I wasn't succeeding or I wasn't getting part of that bread. Like I need, I needed money.
So I started, and Honestly, also this blog. I started my Etsy store with this blog. If I didn't start, I would not be where I am today. So I kicked myself in the ass and I started and that's it. So basically this is the amount of money I'm gonna put the amount of money that I made.
But listen to this. I was not being consistent with this store. So number one, when you're first starting on Etsy, you're a beginner. You don't have any experience, whatever it is. Number one thing that I would say to do is see what is selling. What are you interested in? Do you want to do coloring books?
So first of all, I have a whole article of the things that you could sell on Etsy. Whichever, like speaks to you more, you could just choose that one and do it. If you guys want, you could do Print on Demand. You could do whatever you want, like the possibilities are endless.
So you choose what you want to do. Be specific on what you want to do. Because one thing issue that I had is that I started My Etsy shop. I was, I'm going to do this, A Planner, shop, whatever it is, right then I started the shop. I did not want to do planners. I tried it, I was like, what the hell is this? I don't want to do it. It's too complicated.
So I was like, do coloring books. It's fun. And I started posting on my Etsy store because I saw my Etsy store, I think like two weeks prior to me starting this blog. And then two weeks I wasted on not knowing what I want to do, all that stuff. So I just wasted those things on research.
But you don't have to do that. I had a whole, I have a whole article for you guys to tell you exactly what is the best thing to sell as of right now. If you want me to make an updated article, just let me know and I'll make that up for you guys. But yeah, you have to know what you want to sell.
Make sure it's something that's easy or something that you're interested in doing because you don't want to be dragging the whole process of doing it. And number one, have listing in your back burner. Please, do have listings in the back burner. That way if you're not able to post one day, you're able to take one and put it on there.
That way when you post every single day, it's going to be that, oh, okay, that person is actually cares about their store. So they're going to put stuff you, they're going to push your store in front of people's eyes. So please make sure that you have like, you have listings in the back burner.
Number two, please guys, do not copy anybody else's plan. I've went on Etsy and I've seen like for example, you have one planner from Canva and you have the same exact one right next to each other guess what page? you're on the last page all the way in the back. Because guess what? They're not being creative, they're stealing other people's ideas. They're stealing stuff from Canva.
So, just put an hour into creating something great and then put. Once you create something great, you don't have to put that much effort into somebody buying it. Because once people say, okay, this is cute, I want this, they're going to buy.
Listen to me, people love to spend their money. I love to spend my money. I don't know if you do, but people do love to spend their money and if they see something they're interested in, they're going to buy it. So please be original. Anyways, let's get to the actual thing.
So number one thing that I did, I invested into this. What is this called? This keyword. There's two of them I want to tell you about. There's EverBee and there's Alura. You don't have to click on them if you don't want to. I'm not sponsored. I use my own bread for these. I use my own money for these.
So if you don't want to click the link, that's up to you. You could go to Google, put EverBee, and that's it or Alura.
So you use those main reasons please don't use the free version because I've used the free version. Listen, this is coming from somebody who's cheap as hell. I don't like spending my money. I spend my money on things I like but I don't like to spend my money on other things.
So when you go on EverBee, do not use the lowest thing, or I think it's like $8 or whatever. Don't use it because guess what? It's a waste, I wasted $8, so then I had to spend $30. So basically just instead of just spending the $30, I wasted $38 or $8 more on the cheapest thing.
So if you're gonna go to Everbee or Alura. Okay, listen closely. You're gonna use the one that's $30 because that one is going to tell you like if you want to use it for keyword research or idea research. You can get it for one month.
Okay? So you go on EverBee. You look up whatever. Let's say you want to do coloring books like me, you're gonna look up coloring books, right? On Etsy. Ever be usually have something like right there in the corner of your screen and it has other stuff.
So basically you could click on the thing that was gonna show you all the stores that are selling. You're gonna click on the one that is the best seller. So you're gonna click on that one to see which store is like, has a lot of stuff that they're selling.
Because the one thing will EverBee. They give everybody secrets out. They will give you the keywords that they're using. They'll give you the amount of time they've been on Etsy, the amount of time they're listing has been on Etsy, how much money they're making, every single thing. There's no secrets on EverBee. So you do every single step.
Now let's say that you want ideas, right? You're gonna go to Everbee, do all that and then you're gonna get the idea that you need. Please do not copy the listing. But you have to make it kind of close to what you see is selling.
Because nobody is selling anything original. Just number one, nobody comes up with anything original. Everybody on YouTube, everybody on Etsy, they copy off of each other in a way where like they don't copy what word to word or item for item, they get inspiration from somebody else.
So you're gonna do the same thing when it comes to the keywords, where there's something on everybody, like the keywords each to next to each keyword, there's like, it shows you the volume of people that are looking for that or the keyword that is the best.
You're Gonna to use the top best keywords. Then you're gonna go to another person that has a similar item. I don't know if anybody has told you this, so you're gonna go on somebody else's item that is selling about the same thing, and you're gonna look at the top keywords as well, and you're gonna use the top keywords that you see is bringing a lot of people to their stuff, you're gonna use it on your stuff.
The keywords you can copy word for her, nobody cares. But I'm just saying the item itself, you cannot copy word to word. So that's one tip that's gonna push your store more. People are gonna start looking at your store because you want people to look at your stuff for them to buy it.
And also description, make sure that the keywords that you have, the words that you have in your keyword section or your tag section, make sure some of them is also your description, because that way it will push people to buy it more.
So another thing that a lot of people say, oh, if you want to see, like, your first sales, run ads, don't listen. Okay, I'm not even gonna say that. If you want to run ads, run ads. But I'm gonna show you examples. I could, like, give you exact words. I mean, exact numbers, so you know what I'm talking about.
So maybe people will be like, okay, so when it comes to ads, right, A lot of people be like, run ads, run ads. But what the hell would you spend money if you try to make money? I mean, I know that sometimes you have to spend money to make money, but I personally believe that ads are a waste of time because a lot of times like when you run ads like you will make money, like you'll get a couple of sales but you'll also like sometimes Etsy charges you based on the amount of people clicks on your item, not people or about amount of people who see your item, not people who actually buy.
So you're going to be spending money. Okay, so for example, I made $6.38 from my Etsy ads campaign. That's from 2000 views, 42 clicks in two orders. And guess how much money I spent $12.70 and 74 cents on ads I spent to make $6 and 38 cents. So basically I lost 50%.
So I don't know about you, maybe ads have worked for you or some people like ads work for them. It just didn't work for me. Or maybe I did something wrong but it didn't work for me. But what worked for me was the sales and the discounts.
When you first start, I know that you want to make money. you really want to make money but you can't, nobody knows you yet. So what I would say is run discounts on your store.
Like, for example. Let me tell you something. A marketing tip, actually so a lot of people listen to this. A lot of people, even you, even me, we have this thing called fomo. Fear of missing out. Right? Especially when it comes to a good sale.
Let's say you go in Macy's and you see, like, this shirt that's 50% off. It says 50% off for 24 hours. What are you going to do? And you like the shirt. You're like, oh, my gosh, it's 50% off. I have to get my hands on it. So you get it.
The same thing goes for products that you sell online. When somebody is selling something online, a lot of times they like to use your fears against you. And this sounds bad, but literally, that's how marketing works.
I'm giving you gems right now. nobody talks about this, but that's how marketing works. So if you want somebody to buy your item, you have to run sales. You have to make the sales short. Like, for example, your item has to look good because, you know, if your item looks crappy, no one is going to buy your item if it looks crappy, even if it's on sale.
So you have to make sure that you run sales. So, for example, you could be like, okay, 50% off or not even 50% off you could be like 30% off today only or 30% off for the weekend. That will get you your first to 10 sales.
I'm telling you, I've been in the trenches, just like you guys are going through right now. Like, I'm not about to sit here because you know how people, they sit there and be like, oh, yeah, like, Etsy can make you $10,000 a month. Just do this, that, and they give you crappy advice. I'm not doing that. I'm just being realistic with you guys. That's what I actually did to get my the amount of sales that I did on my stores.
So I'm building my stuff from the ground zero and I made it. So, thanks so much for reading. Any questions that you have, any concern that you have, you can put in the comment down below.
And if you want to talk to me one on one, email me and I'll get back to you. Usually I answer my email pretty fast. If I don't, it's because maybe it's the weekend or I'm doing something.