I Tried Dropshipping For One Week (With Only $100)


I Tried Dropshipping For One Week (With Only $100)

For the next seven days, I'm on a mission to build a brand new Shopify dropshipping store and take it from zero to over $10,000, Only using $100. You heard that right, only $100.

I want in this article to prove to you that dropshipping is not dead and can still be done with very little money. And the best part is, I'll be sharing the entire process with you. So if you want to see me scale a dropshipping store to over $10,000, stick around until the end of this article.

Can I start Shopify dropshipping with 100 dollars?

So it's currently day one of the challenge. I have a lot of work I need to get done. My main focus for today is just to find a good product to sell. The product actually has to be amazing or else this entire challenge is going to flop. Something I learned the hard way is it doesn't matter how nice your store is, if your product sucks, then you're not going to make any money.

Now the best way to find viral dropshipping products, or at least the way that has worked best for me, is using the TikTok burner method. Basically how this works, works is you create a brand new TikTok account, then you search up Amazon Finds, TikTok Made Me Buy It, Dropshippers Exposed, then go through all those videos and like them, share, comment, save.

After doing this for a while, you'll then notice that your entire for you page is just filled with dropshipping products and just viral products since TikTok now thinks that's what you're interested in, so keep engaging with those videos on your for you page. And now you basically have an account that is just going to show you a bunch of viral dropshipping products, so just keep on scrolling on TikTok until you finally find a product that you actually like.

So my plan is to actually start scrolling right now and see if I can find anything. Honestly, I did scroll a little earlier and I found a few products but I didn't really like them as much. So I'm going to just continue scrolling and see if I can find anything maybe in the next 20 minutes. If not, I might just go with the other product I found. So I couldn't really find any products, but earlier today I did find this one product and it's called a Heated Lash Curler.

And I actually have seen this product before, I even actually sold it in the past, but it wasn't exactly the same as this one. So I definitely think this product has a lot of demand and can be sold with the right marketing. So essentially a heated eyelash curler just allows you to basically curl your lashes which makes them appear much nicer. Also, if you are dropshipping, it is actually a lot smarter to sell female female products since about 80% of consumers are female.

So now that I have my product, the next step is to start building my website. Thankfully I can get my website built within a few minutes just using AI. Thanks to AutoDS for developing this free AI store builder. If you also want to get a free pre built Shopify store, you can get from this link. The store will be fully loaded with custom products from Autods. Also a nice theme logo and you can also make any changes if you like.

So I am going to create my store with this software but I might make a few changes if needed. Also if you do create your store with this, I also want to let you know that you can add more products on it from Autods. So in your Auto DS account click on Marketplace and it's going to show you a ton of viral winning products. And here in the winning product section it'll show you proven winning products that you can start selling right now. And this is also another great way to find winning products aside aside from the TikTok burner method.

So let's say you find this product and you want to sell it first take a look at the product analysis section. It'll tell you how much it's being sold for the target audience and even show you a Facebook ad which is really helpful. So if you wanted to sell this product on your store, just click on Import then come to Drafts, then click here on Import and then it will send the product to your Shopify store.

Now anytime a customer purchases from your store it'll show up here in the order section. Then you can just fulfill the order and Auto DS takes care of everything anything else so they'll ship it out directly to the customer. Autods is truly my favorite supplier for dropshipping. If you want to check them, from here. And if you also want them to build you a pre built Shopify store, get from here.

I am going to sell my product for $39.99, I also found the product on Auto DS for less than $15 which is pretty good, so I'm going to have great profit margins.

Honestly, as a beginner, when you first start dropshipping, don't spend way too much time making your store look amazing. Yes, of course, make sure the store does the job. It looks good, but don't spend hours and hours and thousands of dollars because you know you can always change the store later on once you've actually proven that the product is good and is going to make you money.

Now that my store is done, the next thing I have to do is advertising. This is going to be the hardest part since I'm working with a very tight budget only have $100. But thankfully I have a few ideas that I think will work really well. So of course I'm going to take advantage of TikTok since I know I can get my content to go viral on there. Same with Instagram Reels so I can post content on there. Hopefully it will go viral and then I can get a few sales from that.

Usually what I recommend with dropshipping for beginners is order the product off Amazon. Then once it comes you can start creating content with the product and then post it on your TikTok and Instagram. However, because I have a limited time, I'm actually just going to take videos off TikTok that have already gone viral of the product and then just post them on my TikTok and my Instagram account because I know if the video has already gone viral on TikTok, it's likely to also go viral again for me on TikTok and Instagram.

Now sometimes this doesn't always work, but it can work, especially for Instagram reels. Now obviously I don't really recommend doing this just because it's only a short term solution, but long term you definitely have to figure out a way to make your own content.

So I'm just going to scroll on TikTok and look for videos of the product and if I find viral ones, I'm going to save those videos, then go to Snaptik, then I can download the video there without a watermark, then just post it to my social media accounts. I think I just need to post maybe three to five videos every day on my Instagram and TikTok and that should be enough to hopefully go viral.

Now I am positive that that the videos will go viral on Instagram reels because if it went viral on TikTok, of course it'll likely go viral on Instagram. However, with TikTok, sometimes if you do repost a video on their platform that has already been posted, it can sometimes get flagged. But this isn't always the case. I'm still gonna try it out. I know as long as I have good marketing and the product is good, I will get sales because I've done this many times so I know that it works. Obviously I haven't really drop shipped in a while, so I'm definitely not like the other gurus out there who know what they're talking about, so this is definite a little bit more new for me.

So my plan for the next few days is to just post a few videos on my accounts and see what happens. How I see it is views equals sales, so as long as I can get a ton of views, I have to get at least a few sales and hopefully I can hit my $10,000 goal, we'll see what happens. But anyways, I'll check back in with you in a few days and show you how my store is doing.

So finally a week is up. I ended up making a ton of money and I'm excited to share the results with you. So before I even show you how much money the store made. Let me actually show you the viral content. Now with my TikTok account, I didn't really get that many viral videos. Honestly, most of them flopped. I think the reason for this is because when you repost a TikTok video that's already on the TikTok platform, I think there's a chance you can get shadow banned, but that's just my theory.

Now let's go over my Instagram account. So my Instagram reels actually did pretty well. One of them got over 200,000 views and the rest did okay, but I'd say most of the sales came from the one video that went viral. I just knew Instagram reels was going to do well because if a video did well on TikTok and then you just post it on Instagram reels, the chances of it doing well is very high.

Now, one thing I'd probably do differently is just create my own content instead of taking other people's content just because that's a short term solution. Obviously, if you want to build a long term brand, you have to make your own content. And my approach would be to get AI UGC video ads created for me. And I post those to my socials and also run them as Facebook and TikTok ads. And I recommend using BandsOffAds to create AI UGC video ads. That's what I've been using and I truly think it's the best platform.

So instead of paying a content creator to make video ads for you, you can just get it done by AI, which is super convenient, much che and you literally get the ads right away. So if you create an account with bands off ads and then come to the section here where it says Instant AI ugc, you'll see that you can literally create a video ad instantly here with an AI UGC video creator.

So let me quickly just show you how this works. So first click generate video with AI. And here I'm just going to put trying to sell heated lash curler. And then AI is going to generate a script for you. You can shorten it, change it up, and do whatever you want. Then just pick a creator for the video. And then now actually create the video and then wait one to five minutes for it to be done, super convenient. And this could be a perfect ad that I could either run on TikTok or Facebook or just post organically.

So no need to go and hire someone and pay them and have to wait days for them to make content for you. This is just an instant solution and makes it so easy to test products. If you want to try this out, you definitely can. They are the number one ecom video ads service out there, so definitely check them out.

How much money did my dropshipping business actually make?

So, my business made $480 in just one week. This is honestly amazing since I didn't even have to pay for ads. Now Sure, I didn't hit $10,000 like I wanted to, but honestly, this is still pretty good and I could probably scale the store up to $10,000 if I just work hard enough on it.

Factors That Play Into How I Was Even Able To Make This Much Money In Just A Week

First it is a high ticket product so selling a product that's $40 versus selling some cheap product like $10 definitely makes a big difference. Also I was pretty strategic so I posted viral content on Instagram reels which is a great strategy. And $480 is a good amount of money but obviously that's not all profit, so let me break down the expenses with you.

So the Shopify domain, the products from Autods and just the PayPal and Shopify fees came to about $170, so that means my total profit was around $310. This is a great profit margin, honestly I think if I was to continue running the store and scaling with ads I could definitely hit six figures.

However, I don't really want to focus on dropshipping right now because I am mainly running my affiliate marketing business which makes me about $50,000 a month. And so I really don't want to focus on Dropshipping but that doesn't mean that you can't start Dropshipping it's still a great business, but affiliate marketing is definitely my favorite one.


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