I Stopped Doing This... and Started Doing These 4 Things Instead


I Stopped Doing This... and Started Doing These 4 Things Instead

How many times a day and I want you to be honest do you catch yourself comparing yourself to another seller? If you want to succeed in life and business, stop. A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms. To this day, it's very easy to catch myself comparing my shops to other sellers on Etsy and the amount of sales they're having every day, and business owners who seem to be achieving success. I notice I spend too much time studying how many daily sales they have, new Reviews, new subscribers, etc. When I should be spending it on my own businesses.

When you're comparing yourself to others, you're wasting time that you could be using productively to grow your business. I've been working on this a lot recently and these are some practical ways I've found that have helped me transform comparisons into positive and productive outcomes. And if you want know this ways, follow the article with us to the end.

4 Ways to Transform Comparisons into Positive and Productive Outcomes

Recognize your wins and practice gratitude

Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren't grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you'd be happy with more? Every day you need to focus on the wins you have. I promise you will always be able to find at least one, even if it's a small win. A win is a win.

On paper or in your notes app, write out the positive accomplishments you have made for the day. This can be as simple as I've made one new design today. I would make this an ongoing list that you can reflect back on when you're feeling down or discouraged.

On paper or in your notes app, write out the positive accomplishments you have made for the day. This can be as simple as I've made one new design today. I would make this an ongoing list that you can reflect back on when you're feeling down or discouraged.

Develop the power of contentment

Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are when you realize there is nothing lacking the whole world belongs to you. Being grateful will catapult your thoughts and mindset into contentment. You should still have goals and plans of action to grow your business for the future.

However, you need to learn how to be content with where you currently are and the progress you have made. If you are always focused on the future and where you want to be, you'll miss out on the joys of being present and the small daily successes of your business.

Celebrate others sellers success

He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind. Don't feel like you're losing just because someone else is winning. There is zero reason to be upset when you see a new shop have a ton of success. It does no good for you to be jealous or frustrated. Instead, master the ability to find joy in others success. This should excite you because it's proof that what you are doing has potential. If someone else can have success, there is no reason why you can't. It just takes time and strategy through proven methods and your success will come.

Learn to compete with yourself instead of others

Don't compare yourself with other people, compare yourself with who you were yesterday. Set personal goals that keep you focused and will help stretch you set daily goals to accomplish monthly goals. When you are focused on accomplishing your own goals, you won't have time to waste on little things that get you caught up with comparison.

Your biggest competitor should be yourself. When you learn to focus on you and your business, you will see your business blossom. I'm proud of you and you should be proud of yourself too. You will succeed. Comment down below one positive accomplishment you have made for the day. I would love to hear them.


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