How To Make Money With An Airbnb


How To Make Money With An Airbnb

Can you launch an Airbnb business with zero dollars and without having to rent or own a single property? Let me show you how you can do that in five simple steps. follow the article with us to the end.

How To Make Money On Airbnb WITHOUT Renting or Owning

Step number one is to understand the Airbnb regulations for your city.

Now, if you actually spend the time to research the regulations, guess what Airbnb works for any city on planet Earth? Because there's literally loopholes for every single city.

let me show you how to research the regulations for your city:

All you have to do is first go to google, second type in your city along with the terms airbnb regulations. What you'll typically find is the first link that pops up is from airbnb itself, and they've already done all the research when it comes to regulations for your specific city.

So, go ahead and click on los Angeles airbnb regulations. And what you would do here is literally just read through the page, understand the licensing requirements, understand all regulations, and you will typically find loopholes for that specific city on this page.

Step number two is to search for properties.

So, in this step, you're going to be using websites such as Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, Zillow, and hotpads to find properties to prospect.

Let me show you a specific example using Craigslist on how to find properties. So, the first thing you want to do is go to google and type in your city along with the term Craigslist.

So, in this example, i've typed in los Angeles craigslist, you've done that you want to actually click on the craigslist link. when it populates, you want to click on the housing category. once you've done that the first thing you want to do is scroll down and check off the furnished filter, because you only want to find furnished properties. what you don't want to do is start off by prospecting unfurnished properties.

The next thing you want to do is put a price parameter. I like to go for a minimum price point of two thousand maximum price point of six thousand. reason being on the low end, it gets rid of junk, and on the high end, it gets rid of properties that are listed for sale. you've done that click on the apply button.

Step number three is see the oldest listings for rent, scroll through all the listings and find a listing that you like.

Now, here's the key part what you'll notice is that the property was listed on Craigslist twenty eight days ago. What does that mean? That means that for the past twenty eight days, this landlord has been losing money. that means there's a real pain point that needs to be solved. Because for the past twenty eight days the landlord has been paying their mortgage, paying their property tax, paying a bunch of maintenance expenses with no money coming in. that's where you come in to fix the problem. So here's what you do.

Step number four is to copy the address. you can get it here by clicking the Google map link and it loads click copy address. once you've copied the address, paste it into the Airbnb analyzer app, select the bedroom, count three bathroom, input the guest, count and input the long term monthly rent.

Now, you'll see that this is a furnished property, so i've selected furnished you could also select unfurnished if it's unfurnished. the last step here is to click the big blue button that says generate report.

The fifth and final step is to take the report output from the Airbnb analyzer app, present it to the landlord and close the deal.

Now, i know there's a bunch of graphs and numbers, and it looks scary, but it's not, because here's the only thing that matters what the report shows is how much money that property can make as an airbnb. And in this case, it's one hundred seventy eight thousand dollars. that's way more money than what the landlord can get as a long term rental.

Now, if you go to the second page of the report, this is how you close the landlord. Mr Landlord, your beautiful property has been sitting on craigslist for the last twenty eight days. that means for the last twenty eight days, you've been losing money.

Now, let's pretend that you get a long term tenant, literally today, well best case scenario you're only going to make seventy two thousand a year as a long term rental.

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