Earn money online $100 a day


Earn money online $100 a day

In this article, I'm going to show you how to make money with Google for free online in 2025. And this is really good for beginners, and not only that, this is completely copy and paste, and I'm going to show you how to actually do that. And you won't need to go and create your own complicated website, you do not need a website for this, and more importantly, you don't need any money.

So, with this method, this is completely free, you won't need to spend any money with this method to make money online. And I'm going to show you how to do this step by step. It's so easy that there's actually only a few steps, and I'm gonna show you every single one. And this is probably one of the easiest methods I've actually seen to start making some money online. So let's jump into this and I'll show you how to make money with Google online.

FREE Way To Earn $100 A Day

FREE Way To Earn $100 A Day

Now, before we get into this, i just want to show you this, so you know that I actually make money online. So this is one of my businesses that we launched recently kind of, like, a few months ago, just at the end of last year. And in one month, we did forty two thousand dollars, after the commissions come out and things like that. So we had some people promoting our stuff and we paid a little bit in commissions around about three thousand in commissions, and then our gross revenue was forty eight thousand.

So i make most of my money online, I have some offline things i do as well like investments, but majority of my money comes from making money online. And I'm always looking for new ways to make money online, and i just found one recently. And i think this one is really good and there's lots of people making money with this.

So let's jump into this, what I want you to do is go to Google and put in Google Gemini. Now, we usually use ChatGPT, but we're going to use Google Gemini because it's nice and free and easy to use. And we're going to go and click on Google Gemini, and right here, it says, Hello, what can i help you with today? now, I'm going to put in something, it's not going to be very specific, but it'll be kind of specific.

Now, if you don't know what Google Gemini is, it'd just be called Google Bart. But essentially, in just an Ai chatbot, we give it prompts and it gives us something in return. So, the prompt that i've used for this tutorial is give me a list of most popular template packages that are selling online right now, that are easy for me to design. And I'm going to let Google Gemini and i do that for me, and you'll understand what this is soon and why we want easy design ones and things like that.

I thought it would take a little bit longer than this, but it doesn't. So, this is what we have been given. We've been given social media templates, we've been given presentation templates, we've been given ecommerce product templates, we've been given email marketing templates, invoice templates, which is actually quite good. We're going to go with Invoice templates, and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to and the reason why, actually, there's a few reasons why.

First of all, when I started one of my first businesses back in the day, i found it so hard to get a good business template, Invoice template. And i do know, a lot of people sort of my friends have trouble finding them as well. So the next step is, we want to go to Canva.com and put an invoice template. And what we want to do is, we want to create a package of invoice templates, so multiple invoice templates. And there's a lot of paid ones, but then there's also a lot of free ones.

So I'm going to go customize this template, and there's actually nothing you really need to do here. What I'm going to do is, I'm just going to put an address and brackets, so people know where to put the address. I've spelt that wrong doesn't matter, phone spelt that wrong doesn't really matter. Just for the tutorial and then you can leave all of this here because this is for what people need to do, and we'll put down here payment information. The reason I've taken all of this other stuff out is because you don't know if this is real or not. You don't want people's real details on them, and here we'll put company details.

Next thing is, we can go ahead and add another page and we can go and add another template. So one of the ones i think was this is another free one, we can go and put this one on here as well. And then we can go ahead and do the same thing, and we'll just put address, we'll put payment info, and then we will go and put company info here. So now, what I've done is, i've gone and put two invoices in there super easy. Right? All you want to do is keep replicating this until you have twenty, maybe even thirty invoices inside a package.

So we have five or six templates right there that we can go ahead and export as a package, I'm going to download it as a PDF. I've got three invoice templates in there, but you'd make ten twenty thirty or even one hundred templates that we can now go and make money with this. So, how do we make money online with this? This is how easy, this is what you want to do. Next, go to a website called creativemarket.com? Okay, now, if we go and look here, this is a template website where we can make money.

So we have display fonts, they even do fonts and things like that, Themes, graphics, canva templates, product mockups, instagram templates. So, if we just go click on instagram templates, for example, i'll just show you what people are actually selling. So these guys are selling some templates, we can go low to high so we can see what people are selling for the lowest potential price. So nine dollars is the lowest price, we can go to recently added if we want to to see what other recently added ones, but as you can see, people are selling specific templates. If we go back to Google Gemini, we can see that social media templates was one of the options of the most popular ones right now.

So if we go back to creative marketplace and we put an invoice template, you will see that people are selling invoice templates for around about nine dollars, twelve dollars. So one template for dollar, fourteen people were selling them for. That's a pretty good price considering you can make them within a second, it's crazy.

Right now, you'll see all of these different types of invoice templates that we can go ahead and sell the next step you want to do. Is you want to also create a thumbnail? Okay, now, you can do that easily in canva as well. We go to Canva and we just put in thumbnail, you can go ahead and take a thumbnail. And you can go ahead and edit that to look like something like one of these.

Then the next step you want to do is you want to go to these three dots here and you want to go to open a shop, and you're going to open up your own creative marketplace shop selling specific templates and we go to open shop and it's going to take us through the process of signing up. I'm not going to show you how to do that right now, because once you sign up, it's very easy to follow the steps. But more importantly, what you're going to be doing is creating a shop and then going and seeing what other people are putting in their listing and kind of replicate that.

So we'll go to invoice template and we'll click on this one for example, And we can see that here's a description about the product. So you could ask chatgpt or google bard to write a product description for you and to make the store very easy. So your product will also show up at the bottom of other people's listings as they recommended. Pretty cool, right? And there's also a thing down here information about the shop as well. So your content is going to show up in all of these places, once you start your store and have your listings. live another place you can sell this stuff is called invato elements and you can sell photos, graphics, presentations, fonts and things like that, it's essentially the same place.

Now, if you can't be bothered making your own content, so, for example, let's say you want to do social media templates. You can also go to fiverr.com and people will make the content for you, so you can go ahead and sell it.

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